You know you have a pest problem when you find them crawling in your toilet bowl.
We were invaded by large wood-burrowing black ants last night. These things were massive. I wanted to strap a saddle to one, call it Black Beauty and ride off into the sunset. Carpenter ants I am told. They don't bite or sting, but they burrow through the frames of wooden houses like termites and they don't die easily. During the first extermination attempt the floor was littered with a thousand corpses all killed by stomping. As soon as the first thousand were vacuumed up, two thousand took their place, scurrying about the living room and kitchen. We tried regular ant traps and insecticide, but alas, they did not die. Battles were fought and there were many casualties, but in the end we beat the little beasties. We tricked 'em with laced sugar.
As I silently celebrate our morbid victory over the ant colony, I try to ignore the shrill cry of victory that echoes across the forest as the pine squirrels return to their nest with plunder from our walls. One battle has been won, but the war has only begun...
I am laughing, Warrior Daughter of My Womb.