If anyone ever wants to get a fishing license up here in BC, just go online and apply for one at: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/licence-permis/index-eng.htm. It is simple and much cheaper, just make sure you have your Canadian address handy.
So we got Brother a license to fish. He went out in the HMS Floating Brick* and caught a huge cod. It was about two and half feet long and a chunk was taken out of its tail fin. It was delicious.
We turned half of it into Fish 'n' Chips and the other half is cod steaks in the freezer. You can find the recipe for the batter at my other blog, Inventor's Asylum.
Last night there was a squirrel in the house. More direct and to the point: there was a squirrel in our room. Even more undeniably unforgivable: there was a squirrel on Brother's pillow. I suppose it could have been a martin or a mouse of grotesque size, but the furry thing slunk along the top of his head and beneath my bed in the middle of the night and left no sign of itself other than the hole in the ceiling. The squirrels around here steal insulation from the walls and the martins steal food from the cupboards and since there was no food in our room, we have placed the blame on squirrels.
*our outboard propelled boat that moves like a barge
5 months ago
if i woke up knowing there was a squirrel on my head, I would quite possibly cry. Our palm trees here are filled with squirrels. Yes, palm tree squirrels. I hate them.
ReplyDeleteBut I love you. Keep having fun.