Who ever invented butter must have been really angry or really bored. I just spent the greater portion of the last hour watching cream turn to butter. Riveting really. As the cream whips beyond its whipping point, fat separates from the milk and you've got butter. (And butter milk that sprays all over the kitchen because the blender speed was on too high.) Your white creamy milk has just become one of the most important substances in the galaxy, how do you feel?
Well, pretty darn tired considering I have been on my feet all day except for a ten minute lunch and a moment to open a box that was too awkward to open on the floor. It was my first day running the main store by my self and we got tubs of ice cream yesterday on the freight so there were plenty of people wanting ice cream cones. Exhilarating, but exhausting.
So exhausting that I didn't build some fireworks out of old pipes, oyster shells and lighter fluid. I'm so tired, I didn't dump a fifteen pack of Lucky into the cove protesting the ten cent deposit on every can. I'm too worn out to fantasize about flying Old Glory off the gas dock and watching the Canadians fume. Oh well. Happy Treason Day to everyone.
Now I am content to rest and recline in my basement lair, recording recipes and watching the light slowly dwindle on the surface of the water. Soon the moon will come out and cast sparkling reflections across the cove and illuminate the boats down there on the dock. The hippies across the sound on the other island have their bonfire blazing. It seems to torment my brother to no end knowing that there is someone over there using that light. I have eaten enough garlic to keep the vampires away for a while. And I am looking forward to another day of "Sorry" (pronounced with a long "o") and "aboot" instead of "about", and other bizarre terminology all jumbled together with "Ay?". I'm going to rest my weary feet on a bed with a matress and the knowledge that if there is a need in the night to turn on a light, the generator is on so the worst that would happen is a blown fuse. Yep, trapped on an island in Canada isn't too bad... So long as you don't pick up an accent.
6 months ago
Happy treason day! rofl.
ReplyDeleteYou should mention that your "basement lair" commands an impressive view of the whole cove and is hardly a basement at all yah know, not being underground or anything.