I have not fallen off the face of the planet... yet. The internet connection is very sketchy up here and there is a little too much baking going on, hence the lack of current posts.
The Refuge Cove General Store has ordered more bananas than we can sell. They turn brown and then either sit in the freezer for a decade and a half or are thrown into the compost. I suggested bread. Everyone fancied that proposition and so I began baking. The banana bread frenzy that followed was good enough to put on the shelves next to the french and sourdough. I make a small profit because the most expensive of the ingredients are free. Because my aunt is kind enough to share her old flour and baking utensils, most of the funds acquired by this endeavor will be used to by beer for her fridge. Bananas into beer.
Other than that, the time that I am not working at the store is spent falling through boardwalks, repairing boardwalks, teaching belly dance, writing songs, washing dishes, tie-dieing, swimming, fretting about weasels in the walls and squirrels stealing our insulation, chatting it up with the locals, scribbling, and playing with my hair. It is summer and all is well when I allow that top layer of mush in my life to be scraped away - that annoying collection of misconceptions, grumblings and noise that seems to squish its way onto most activities. Yep, when all that yucky crap I seem to hang on to is gone, it really feels like a summer vacation up here.
6 months ago
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