These moments are hardly more noticeable than the moments that surround them. To anyone on the outside, they are very mundane and simple events that are only another block in a block castle of a day. To me, they are breakthroughs. Tiny holes torn out of the fabric that divides this world from the other. These moments remind me that I am alive, that life is worth living, that here is a purpose for life. I try to keep my eyes open so that my heart can see the moment of purpose in every day.
Two weeks ago the moment of purpose happened early in the morning before sunrise. My eight year old nephew and I were the only ones up. We started talking and within the abnormal, sweet conversation we soon came to subject of music. He asked me if I knew the song, This Is My Father's World. I sadly admitted that I only knew some of the words and not the melody, but that I would like to learn. He then proposed to teach me and began to sing. Flawless. Pure. Perfect. I was submerged in the promised moment. I tried not to cry. I really did try.
Last week I was cleaning up the art room and dug out this relic -

...he's the reason I woke up that day.
This afternoon I thought the moment must have come and passed me by. I was so lost inside myself and the hurt of the day that I though I must have missed it. The promise must have been there, I just didn't get to see it today. But then, there it was. The moment was wrapped up in a note from a friend telling me about the walk he went on with God yesterday. Beautiful. Simple. Solid.
Mundane moments of purpose fill my life. His mercies are new every morning.
I love this, truly beautiful and honest.